Saturday, December 18, 2010
Jan 2nd Seminar More Than 50% Full
At the moment, we have 55 reservations confirmed on and another 10-20 from my Facebook Event page, which means there are roughly 25-35 spots remaining.
Time, location and other details are available at the links above.
So don't hesitate, click one of those links to secure your spot... have a safe & happy holiday season, and I'll see you in the New Year!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
FREE Hypnosis Seminar on January 2nd!
- Why most New Year's Resolutions fail (and how to make yours stick)
- How I helped Jenn Hobby -- of Q100's The Bert Show -- to quit smoking
- Why my weight loss program -- featured in the February 2011 issue of Fitness Magazine -- really works
- Hollywood Hypno-phobia: How TV and movies promote fear of hypnosis
- The strangest issues I've ever worked on with clients
- How to practice hypnosis in the comfort of your home
- How to eliminate cravings for food, cigarettes & other addictions
- FREE Chair Massages by Certified Massage Therapist Priscilla Hollman of the Tranquil Spirit Center
- Prizes: Sean will give away more than $2,000 worth of hypnosis sessions, CD's & more
- More Prizes: (4) 30-min massage certificates courtesy of Priscilla Hollman
- The event will wrap up with a group hypnosis exercise for everyone in attendance.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
How To Skydive with NO FEAR!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sean Wheeler on Dishing With Donna 8.28.10
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sean Wheeler on Food Network Radio This Saturday!
Donna's previous guests include Paula Deen, Guy Fieri and other Food Network personalities... and rumor has it I'll be filling in for Bobby Flay, who was a late cancellation (and some say he could be my stunt double).
This week Donna is trying something new on the show in response to requests from her listeners: I and another guest will be in the studio talking about diet, health and how to keep the weight off while enjoying all that wonderful food!
"Dishing With Donna" airs live on 920AM Radio from 4:00pm-5:00pm, and is repeated on 1190AM Radio from 5:00-6:00pm. The show will also repeat on 920AM Radio on Sunday at 6:00pm.
I hope you can tune in for a bit. If not, I'll have the clips available in a few days here on this blog.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
100% Success with Smokers This Week
Great news.
All in all, I had five clients scheduled for their follow-up appointments this week. Out of those five, not a single one has had even a single puff in the weeks following their initial session. One of them even canceled his second appointment because he had other important things to do and felt as though he didn't need any more help at the moment.
Another client came in for her first session this week, and just a few days later posted this on Twitter:
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Client Feedback: wine drinking, overeating, and fear of flying (oh, my!)
Regarding the wine issue, she had been drinking a few glasses of wine each day for a long period of time and wanted to stop for health and other reasons. The other issues are more self-explanatory.
Take a look...
"Hi Sean! I have a lot to tell you. I apologize for taking so long; I wanted to have lots of good news to share!
After we had our third session I felt like a new person. We tackled three problems in my life: lack of control with wine, overeating, and fear of flying.
I'm absolutely THRILLED to tell you that I feel completely in control of my life now. I just passed the final test with flying colors. My husband had a business trip to Encinada, Mexico, for a Wine Festival, and I was lucky enough to be able to go along. Three days of wine tasting, eating and opera. (Does it get any better?)
I thoroughly enjoyed the wine tasting (after going over a month without having anything, and without struggle). I felt completely in control and even refused some when I didn't feel like it.
To date I've lost over eleven pounds. And still going strong!
As for the fear of flying, on the way out my husband noted that my hands were not "gross and clammy" like usual (high praise). On the return trip I actually slept through the take off!
I am truly grateful for the help you've given me; please continue to help others with your gift.
Take care!"
-Carolyn Narreau
Suwanee, GA
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Client Feedback: Trichotillomania (Hair-Pulling)
Here's some positive feedback I received from a client I recently worked with on a pretty rare issue: hair-pulling. If you're interested in learning a bit more about this problem, check out the Wikipedia page.
I worked with this client over the course of three sessions, but she hasn't pulled her hair since the very first session. When this is the case, the subsequent sessions are used to strengthen and reinforce, with the goal always being permanent change that feels natural.
As this is often a private or embarrassing problem that many are able to hide from their peers, this particular client agreed to allow me to publish her words, but chose to remain anonymous. Take a look...
"I’ve lived with Trichotillomania for well over 20 years. I have tried everything recommended to help my condition yet nothing ever worked until I met with Sean. After Sean hypnotized me the first time I felt so calm and had no desire to pull my hair. It has been 2 months and I have not touched my hair which is a new record for me.
Thank you, Sean. You have changed my life!"
Client Feedback: Fear of Flying (A Highly-Detailed Report)
Here's some very detailed feedback from a client who I worked with on his fear of flying. As is often the case, his conscious mind wasn't sure his fear was gone until after he took a couple flights. However, the results were excellent. Take a look... "I flew to Las Vegas on the morning of 4/28. As we discussed I was nervous that I was going to have anxiety about flying. I had one drink prior to the flight. The flight had rather steady turbulence throughout which normally would have caused my to be uneasy the entire flight. I would rate my anxiety during the flight at 1(on a scale of 1 to 10). Normally it would have been a consistent 3-5, with turbulence it could have jumped above 5 quite easily. The flight back I was very hung over so I had no preflight drink nor did I drink on the flight. I had no anxiety prior to the flight nor during the flight. A week later I had a day trip to Miami. Again the flight down was light turbulence and I had no anxiety. The flight back was bumpier but I still had little to no anxiety. At one point we hit a startling batch of clear air turbulence where the plane jolted and then lurched from side to side for 10 seconds. My heart rate jumped to about 150 bpm but I was able to settle down within 30 seconds and returned to a no anxiety state within a few minutes. In conclusion, I now seem to be indifferent to most turbulence and generally don't have much to any fear of flying. In the past it only took a little bit of turbulence for my subconscious to take over and imagine the worst case scenario. Overall I would say that I am very pleased with my progress and your help in getting me to where I am now. Thanks again for your help and I won't hesitate to recommend your services to a friend." B.K. Smyrna, GA |
Client Feedback: Alcohol Control, Self-Confidence & More
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Jenn Hobby: Still Smoke-Free After 21 Days!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Bert Show's Jenn Hobby: Progress Report

One week later: "7 Days and going strong! You changed my head and my habits and MY LIFE! Thanks. I owe ya."
Two weeks later: "21 days to break a habit right? More than halfway there then. 14 Days smoke free. and yes, I do feel more free. Thanks."
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Bert Show's Jenn Hobby Discusses Being Hypnotized by Sean Wheeler to Stop Smoking
Yesterday I hypnotized Jenn Hobby - of Q100's "The Bert Show" - to stop smoking. This morning, she shared her experience on the air. This is a pretty interesting segment... for the first time, bits & pieces from the actual hypnosis portion of the session are broadcast live over the air. I had to warn them not to play it too long... lest some people driving begin veering off the road!
Listen to what Jenn has to say, and be sure to listen to part 2 below for the conclusion... in which she talks about how confident she is about being done with the habit for good.