For some people, Valentine's Day means love, romance and companionship. For many, many others... it's a time to recall depressing memories of love lost, to feel jealous of couples in public, and construct a shield of protection against all the feelings of hurt that relationships can bring.

A client recently asked me if hypnosis can help you get over a painful break-up. My reply was this: "
Notice how a break-up hurts less and less over time? Hypnosis can make that happen MUCH quicker."
This is possible because it has to do with how you think. When your thoughts about the break-up change, your feelings and experience change.
I know this personally, because I experienced it myself. Years ago, I was suffering tremendous feelings of jealousy after an ex became involved with a new boyfriend. After a visit with a hypnotherapist, the painful thoughts that I had been obsessing over had been changed. I just couldn't focus on them in the same way, tended to forget about them more often, and as a result, I felt a lot better.
Help is Closer Than You ThinkLast year, I had a client who was so depressed about a break-up, that by the time he arrived for his appointment, he literally hadn't slept in 4 days. He also wasn't eating, and had lost a great deal of weight. This guy was rail thin, with circles around his eyes, and his ex-girlfriend was already in a new relationship. Even worse, she was touting the new boyfriend as being "the One"... eliminating any hope my client had for getting back together.
I saw this client for one session, and after a few months had passed I heard from him again. He was contacting me in regard to a friend who was in the same dire straits. Apparently, that initial session had been so helpful that he had since returned to a healthy weight, gotten his life back together, and he was now contacting me to find out if I could help his buddy.
A Speedy RecoveryReally, it's like
fast-forwarding the natural healing process. You know that expression - Time Heals All Wounds? Well, they never tell you how much time... and that's because it varies from person to person depending on how they choose to think about the painful experience.
So, in honor of Valentine's Day, I'm making a special offer for the month of February. If you'd like to get over the pain of a break-up, or gain back the confidence or motivation to get back out there and date again (and have a little fun) without worrying about getting hurt, now's the time.
I'll give you $100 off the cost of any program.For more info, call 678.488.7362 and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.