Following up on the success of our two recent seminars - the first for Weight Loss and the second for Self-Esteem - our next event is coming up the first week of January 2013, a great time to focus on New Year's Resolutions. Check out the details below!
Have you put your personal goals aside just to get through the crazy-hectic holiday season? Put off going to the gym? Told yourself you'll get around to your "To Do List" in January?
Good news: I have put together an event -- make that TWO events -- that will really give you something to look forward to.
I'm offering you a chance to stop putting things off, stop "thinking about it" and start actually making progress toward your goals.
Here's the best part - while there are two events - it's two for the price of one!
In honor of World Hypnotism Day, I'm offering you a deal that makes this a No-Brainer: you get to attend BOTH events for one low price - $99! As a BONUS, I'm also throwing in $160 worth of Hypnosis MP3's!
The first event is focused on MOTIVATION. It is designed to help YOU achieve whatever personal or professional goals are most important to you NOW.
Have a New Year's Resolution in mind? Want to Stop Smoking? Lose Weight? Increase your Sales Numbers? Get things DONE?
This event will show you how.
You will learn not only how to motivate yourself EFFECTIVELY in a way that feels natural, you'll also get the tools to start making progress IMMEDIATELY after leaving this event.
But… you probably won't WANT to leave after this event!
Why? Because as a BONUS for attending this seminar on Motivation, you receive FREE ADMISSION to my most popular event ever - my WEIGHT LOSS Seminar that sold out back in July. [a $99 VALUE]
BONUS #2: Eleven (11) Hypnosis Mp3's that are yours to keep! [a $160 VALUE]
The Weight Loss event will include everything you need to know in order to finally reach your goal weight, as well as the tools you need to actually MAKE IT HAPPEN, and it is the same program that was featured in a 2011 Fitness Magazine article on weight loss hypnosis that was written by one of my former clients!
With these TWO Hypnosis Events, you'll receive a TON of benefits that will really help you not only get things going, but KEEP IT GOING long after millions of others have given up on their goals for2013.
During the Motivation event, you will learn how to:
- Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick
- Eliminate Procrastination
- Eliminate Perfectionism
- Stop Smoking & Eliminate Bad Habits Permanently
- Develop the Mindset for Success
- Create Balance in Your Daily Routine
- Eliminate Negative Thoughts and Beliefs
- Overcome Obstacles
- Make Priorities that Produce Results
- Let Go of Past Failures
- Stop Doubting Yourself
- Reach Your Fitness Goals
- Overcome Writer's Block and other Creative Blocks
- Increase Productivity at Work
- Get More Done Around the House
- Improve Dating & Relationships
- Hypnotize Yourself Quickly and Easily
- Avoid Dealing with the Same Problems in 2014!
During the Weight Loss event, you will learn how to:
- Establish Healthy Eating Habits that Become AUTOMATIC
- Actually WANT Healthy Foods
- Eliminate Cravings for Sweets, Sodas, Fast Food and Junk Food
- Eliminate Emotional Eating
- Stop Fixating on Food
- Increase Your DESIRE to Exercise
- Recognize True Hunger and Fullness
- Improve Portion Control
- Think like a Person Who's Naturally Thin
- Clarify and Harness Your Motivation
- Set Yourself Up for Success
- Recover From Mistakes (Without Giving Up)
- Build a Positive Self-Image
- Eliminate Internal Mental Battles Over Food
- Develop a Healthy Relationship with Food That's PERMANENT
Also included for all in attendance:
- A full and complete hypnosis experience: You will be hypnotized at the event, which ensures that you will leave with both conscious and subconscious understandings of all material covered.
- PDF copies of Both Power Point Presentations so you won't need to take notes.
- "Healthy Weight Management for Life: Keys to Long-Term Success"- This booklet includes advice and guidelines that will keep you on track until you reach your goal, and will help make that successpermanent.
- ELEVEN (11) hypnosis mp3's that are yours to keep and use throughout the year until you reach your goals. [a $160 VALUE!]
- BRAND NEW MP3: Motivation
- BRAND NEW MP3: Self Esteem and Confidence
- Weight Loss 1: Portion Control
- Weight Loss 2: Healthy Eating
- Weight Loss 3: Exercise Motivation
- Stop Smoking - Kick the Habit!
- Stress Management
- Banish Insomnia
- Unlimited Confidence
- Memory Improvement
- Beach Relaxation Break
That's more than $160 worth of mp3's, plus two seminars would normally cost $99 EACH, all for less than 1/2 the cost of a single private session with me in my office. That's $358 worth of tools and information - and you get it all for 99 bucks!
My New Year's Events always fill up in advance, so don't wait!
DATE: Sunday, January 6th, 2013
TIME: 12:00pm-4:00pm
LOCATION: Courtyard Mariott in Vinings
COST: $99

COST: $99

During the time of year when Americans spend millions of dollars on toys and gadgets, do something different and INVEST in yourself, your health and your happiness.
Space is limited, so RSVP Now!
I look forward to seeing you there!
Sean Wheeler
Clinical Hypnotherapist and Founder of Pure Hypnosis, Sean Wheeler is a regular guest on Atlanta's most popular morning radio program - Q100's The Bert Show, and he has been featured on the nationally-syndicated TV show Swift Justice with Nancy Grace, B98.5 FM, Food Network Radio, and Fitness Magazine.